Frost rainbow pinwheels
I know the way

I just uploaded the original version of “I know the way” prior to having added the mandolin part posted last week. At that time, I had decided to let the mandolin part become more prominent. The guitar and concertina parts threaded in and out from the background with only intermittent assertions in accompaniment. Such richness of barely heard voices are revealed when a single dominating presence sifts into silence! SRB
Straggler’s march
Diving in a Bottomless Sea
Swimming with turtles through glass (May I have this dance?)
The next morning, I added a clarinet part to the composition while imagining another musician in the sombre parade. I also realized that the independent concertina and guitar parts needed to be separated.. The lower wind-blown tones of the clarinet blends with the higher tones emitted through the concertina’s bellows while interweaving with the resonant dobro bass line. The guitar part in the reprise provides hope and renewal. S.R. Bender