A man of few words

“Portrait of Sandy as a young man” drawn with cray-pas on paper sensitively drawn (and given as a gift to her twin brother) by Leslie M. Bender, professional artist.
” A man of few words” played and recorded with voice and guitars by Sanford (Sandy) Ross Bender around midnight from December 24th to 25th, 2022.

Visit: “Art by Leslie Bender: Paintings, drawings, printmaking, portraits” https://lesliebender.com

Once I had a sweetheart (roughly interpreted)

Once I had a sweetheart (roughly interpreted) on guitar by Sanford Ross Bender on November 1, 2022

This traditional song of which I only play guitar was most memorably played and sung by Bert Jansch on his record album entitled “Rosemary Lane”. Bert Jansch (since gone from this world) was probably more influencial than many other musicians on my psyche (human mind, soul, and spirit). My improvised version is imperfect and perhaps flawed in its brevity, but nevertheless is expressive of the vulnerability that is revealed in matters of the heart. S.R.B.

“Poinsetta, Holly and Pine” drawn and painted with ink and watercolor by Sandy Ross Bender