Just me without movies

“Just me without movies” played and recorded with two guitars by Sanford Ross Bender on December 9, 2022
“Alligator from the Florida Panhandle” photographed by Sanford Ross Bender in September or October, 2019
“Great White Shark and Giant Squid” from the Florida Panhandle photographed by Sanford Ross Bender in September or October, 2019

“Don’t get me wrong. I do enjoy movies. Well, sometimes. But, it is important to realize when it is essential to withdraw from a threatening situation. Why not leave when the storyteller has imposed a perspective that is offensive to your sensibilities and integrity-when there is little insight to be offered no matter how magnetic and glamorous its stars and scenery may appear. ” SRB

Night Flowers

“Night Flowers” photographed in Tyler Park, Pennsylvania by Sanford Ross Bender on October 23, 2022
“The Wayfaring Stranger” played on five string banjo by Sanford Ross Bender on October 24, 2022

“The Wayfaring Stranger” is a “well-known American folk and gospel song likely originating in the early 19th century about a plaintive soul on the journey through life” – Wikipedia.

Down the windward way

“Down the windward way” composed, played, and recorded with guitar on one and two tracks by Sanford R. Bender on June 22, 2022.
“Shoreline from the Boardwalk” (Ocean City, New Jersey) photographed by Sanford R. Bender on June 19, 2022
“Black Skimmer” (Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, Galloway, New Jersey) photographed by Sanford R. Bender on June 18, 2022

The Calm of the Midnight Peepers

“The Calm of the Midnight Peepers” composed, performed, and recorded on August 11, 2018 with two tracks of Guitar, individual tracks of Great Horned Owl and Whip-poor-will night calls, and Frogs peeping from distant creek wetlands heard through an open window.
“Strawberry Moon” photographed by Sandy Ross Bender on June 15, 2022 @ 10:47 PM EDT.
“Strawberry Moon” photographed by Sandy Ross Bender on June 15, 2022 at 10:49 PM EDT.