Down the windward way

“Down the windward way” composed, played, and recorded with guitar on one and two tracks by Sanford R. Bender on June 22, 2022.
“Shoreline from the Boardwalk” (Ocean City, New Jersey) photographed by Sanford R. Bender on June 19, 2022
“Black Skimmer” (Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, Galloway, New Jersey) photographed by Sanford R. Bender on June 18, 2022

The Calm of the Midnight Peepers

“The Calm of the Midnight Peepers” composed, performed, and recorded on August 11, 2018 with two tracks of Guitar, individual tracks of Great Horned Owl and Whip-poor-will night calls, and Frogs peeping from distant creek wetlands heard through an open window.
“Strawberry Moon” photographed by Sandy Ross Bender on June 15, 2022 @ 10:47 PM EDT.
“Strawberry Moon” photographed by Sandy Ross Bender on June 15, 2022 at 10:49 PM EDT.


“Cherry tomatoes on the vine” photographed by Sandy Ross Bender.
“Generosity” composed, performed, and recorded by Sandy Ross Bender with vocals (from a poem of the same title) accompanied with guitar on December 24, 2015.

I was in deep despair

For a thousand reasons

But I went anyway

To a community garden,

In a peaceful pasture

Outstretched to the treeline

Far below the the towering steeples.


Led by Sister Ana

Who cut me a bouquet

Of brightly colored zinnias

Speckled red and white,

Magenta and yellow


Like living paper mache.


Here, take these purple tomatoes

And these bundles of chard

From this verdant bounty

Of peppers and squash,

Melons, pumpkins, carrots, and dill

Make them into your dinner

To sustain you through the night.


Generosity” written by Sandy Ross Bender on August 13, 2010.

The Devil’s Questions (Niles No. 1 A)*

“Red Devil Bat ” drawn with red colored pencil and black ink by Sandy R. Bender
* “The Devil’s Questions” lyrics sung by Hugh Stallcup and compiled in “The Ballad Book of John Jacob Niles University Press of Kentucky) Riddles Wisely Expounded (Child No. 1) sung with original melody accompanied with guitar and additional guitar track by Sandy R. Bender

If you don’t answer my questions well,

Sing ninety-nine and ninety,

I’ll take you off, and I live in hell,

And you the weavering bonty.


Oh, what is whiter far than milk?

Sing ninety-nine and ninety,

And what is softer far than silk?

And you the weavering bonty.


Oh, snow is whiter far than milk

Sing ninety-nine and ninety,

And down is softer far than silk,

And me the weavering bonty.


Oh, what is louder than a horn?

Sing ninety-nine and ninety,

And what is sharper than a thorn?

And you the weavering bonty.


Oh, thunder’s louder than a horn,

Sing ninety-nine and ninety,

And death is sharper than a thorn,

And me the weavering bonty.


Oh, what is higher than a tree?

Sing ninety-nine and ninety,

And what is deeper than the sea?

And you the weavering bonty.


Oh, heaven’s higher than a tree,

Sing ninety-nine and ninety,

And hell is deeper than the sea,

And me the weavering bonty.


Oh, what red fruit September grows?

Sing ninety-nine and ninety,

And what thing round the whole world goes?

And you the weavering bonty.


The apple in September grows,

Sing ninety-nine and ninety,

And air around the whole world goes,

And me the weavering bonty.


Oh, what is wicked man’s repay?

Sing ninety-nine and ninety,

And what is worse than woman’s way?

And you the weavering bonty.


Now, hell is wicked man’s repay,

Sing ninety-nine and ninety,

And a she-devil’s worse than woman’s way,

And me the weavering bonty.


Oh, you have answered my questions well,

Sing ninety-nine and ninety,

But, I’ll take you off, ’cause I live in hell,

And you the weavering bonty.



*The ship in a fleet which carries the commanding admiral.

“Flagship” composed, performed, and recorded with guitar and concertina by Sanford R. Bender on April 23, 2022
“Around the cape” Monoprint from St. Martin’s School of Art in London by Sanford Ross Bender from 1974,

**This music is also dedicated to freedom for the people of Ukraine**