
This artwork came about during my fine artist days in Manhattan, while I was attending both New York University and the Art Students League of New York. I was also studying music in the former institution which required an explanation in a master’s degree thesis of how art and music may be interrelated. My research included biographical as well as theoretical investigations into the paintings of Wassily Kandinsky and the musical compositions of Arnold Schoenberg, both of whom found inspiration within the interplay between painting (and drawing) and music. In my case, I found expression and solace in the practice of both mediums, whether or not I could describe rationally the necessity of dual participation. Although art is primarily associated with the visual sense and music with the aural sense, they both share commonality in the tactile sense.

This musical composition includes guitar, my primary instrument, banjo, a secondary plucked string instrument, and concertina, the most recent wind (bellows) instrument in my musical arsenal. “Serenade for guitar, banjo, and concertina” is reminiscent of various styles in jazz, blues, folk, and classical music. The music came together in this manner through improvisation and just hit the right spot for me.

“Serenade” drawn with colored pencil and oil crayons by Sanford R. Bender a while ago.
“Serenade for guitar, banjo, and concertina” composed, performed and recorded on three tracks by Sanford R. Bender on August 5, 2021.

Elephant Concert

“You give something away” composed, performed, and recorded on two tracks for guitar and clarinet by Sanford Bender
“Elephant Concert: Performance” Brush, pen and ink painted storyboard by Sanford Bender

“Elephant Concert” originated during an animation course that I participated in in the early 1980’s. The original film was created with colored paints on celluloid. The story was about an elephant man who plays his cello while sounding the clarinet-like melody through his trunk. The unappreciative audience soon becomes unruly and resorts to heckling as an expression of their ignorance.

The original music was played on violin and clarinet. The current music composed for clarinet and guitar heartily welcomes an improvised or composed violoncello part to play along with the guitar and clarinet.

“Elephant Concert: Escape” Brush, pen and ink painted storyboard by Sanford Bender

The emotionally upset performers quickly make their exit from the intolerant city. The elephant man leaps upon his bicycle and pedals furiously as his companion, the violoncello skips alongside.

“Elephant Concert: Consolation” Brush, pen, watercolor and ink painted storyboard by Sanford Bender

The duo finally finds consolation after a well deserved rest in the countryside. Their appetites will soon be appeased as they gaze into the aromatic delicatessen that will soon be opening for business.

Music: Be Your Own Best Friend

I could hear the music in my mind as I was driving home from a disappointing meeting with an art group to which I belonged. The night was cold and clear and the sky glittered with stars. I reached for my guitar as soon as I arrived home and recorded a track. I followed by recording a second guitar track, and after listening to my improvisation was lifted out of my despair.

Two Colorful Conchs by Sandy Bender